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MG ZR ZS ZT Technical - Other MG Forums

Anyone know of other MG Forums on the net worth a look?
James Glover

If you want something about Zed cars give a try. Always something going on there.
JLD - apparently no other mg/xpower dot com comes close....and I'll have to agree!

Loads going on over there, always something new on the forums

The picture gallery software is something else though.. Well done that man! Motorshow pics are great.
David Beckham

apparently no other mg/xpower dot com comes close....and I'll have to agree!

Yes it is a remarkable resource,pity the owner is a complete To55er ;)

Cecil Cousins

<<<<<<<<Yes it is a remarkable resource,pity the owner is a complete To55er ;)>>>>>>>>

A brave remark, but oh so true. Spoilt kid more like!
MUFC Fans Mate

Thanks, er, David! :)

As for the last two, get a life.

That tag line was partly tongue in cheek and partly, yes I do believe my site is the best resource for MG Rover enthusiasts. But I would, its my site! ;)

As for the personal insults, well, say what you want, but at least have the balls to post under your own name.

Spoilt kid? Yeah, if only.

Steve Childs


"yes I do believe my site is the best resource for MG Rover enthusiasts. But I would, its my site! ;)"

Rover maybe but MG don't think so, the xpower site seems to be far better on the MG side of things, far more real enthusiasts with genuine interest and a lot of them post regularly, rather than lots and lots of members who post very little. This leads to a greater sense of community on the Xpower site, more club like. Where as the site seems to be less so.

Not forgetting of course this site and the MGOC themselves who started it all.

I still prefer the layout and the ease of use of this, the 'ORIGINAL' MG forum...

But to be part of the Z community I have had to wander off to keep up with the bulk of the enthusiast. I use X-power now, in preference to

I really do wish more Z owners had stayed here, I feel that in someways we are becoming detached from the mainstream of MG ownership.



This is where I started too, but the trouble is you can't make an honest opinion about anything without someone blazing away at you, see above for examples. Also, unfortunately the site is becoming plagued with people who are anything but enthusiasts. Whats the point if you are just going to be insulted. Watch this space.
P Wilkinson

Well knock me down with a fevver - that was another Beckham clone, not me. What is the world coming to? Did that glowing paeon of praise sound like cynical old me? Reckon that was a put-up job.
David Beckham

Phew! Sounds like some ingratitude going on here.
I don't own a modern MG - apart from the Maestro - and I don't really follow the modern scene too closely, but I can see some really hard work going on. It's a shame to see some of these hard workers being critisised - but then I suppose that resources such as this we're using now make it so darn easy.

Lay off, guys, if you can't say something positive, say nowt!
Michael Watkins

Nice post there Micheal - totally agree..
Nice! :-)

What do we think?
ZS180 Lover

I think I can't see the picture.....
Patrick Beet

Yeah - you gotta log in or sumfink.
David Beckham

Not that interested! Transparently silly way of increasing user count.


Patrick Beet


Very astute statement, they stop at nothing.

Why have a members view only Forum anyway?

Michael Watkins,


James Glover

I'm with MR JLD on the Forum of choice (X marks the spot).

This ones not bad either!
James Glover

>Posted 28 October 2002 at 06:41:59 UK time
>Kelvin, Cambs, UK

>I still prefer the layout and the ease of use of this, the 'ORIGINAL' MG forum...

Hi Kelvin,

I totally agree. Although both forums X-power and are very interesting it's very annoying how long it takes to browse through the threads.

Ok in the BBS you don't have any pictures and jumping smilies but I am much more interested in news and opinions.

So people come back to this BBS and share your opinions with us.

Cheers Marco
Marco Harzenmoser

I use all the MGRover forums, but have to agree, this BBS is stupidly easy to use.

Gareth Kidman

Most won't be back here........I know I'm here now, but....
Won't come back

Hello Won't come back,

why, what is the problem with this BBS?

Cheers, Marco
Marco Harzenmoser

MGR X-Power is such a vibrant site, throbbing with information and witty repartee that in the F/TF section, they had one post all day yesterday. They are hoping that someone else will post in November so do oblige.


Michael Williams

Counting not your strong point then Michael?

On the matter of other MG Forums.Does anyone know what has happened to the forum that was up and running until a few weeks ago? They had quite a good AsK DR Dave section that was run by someone who worked at a MG Dealer

Ignore my last post. Someone had screwed up my favorites list . (Probably Me)

"MG Cars Enthusiasts' Club Limited do not accept responsibility for the content within this BBS, but take every care to ensure that it is not offensive, illegal or unsuitable"


Meglomaniac , one word- Bollocks :)


>Counting not your strong point then Michael?<

I was rather hoping that someone like your good self would rush in to correct my statement and tell us how many actually posted on the 8th. But you are a wily old bird and were not going to get caught in that trap. You had not intention of telling us that the posts on the 8th consisted of one ‘newbie’ (what a pathetic term) posting his first post and saying ‘hello’, you said welcome and he said thanks – dynamic stuff.


Michael Williams

<<You had not intention of telling us that the posts on the 8th consisted of one ‘newbie’ (what a pathetic term) posting his first post and saying ‘hello’, you said welcome and he said thanks – dynamic stuff.>>

Dyanamic - hardly. Polite and welcoming - certainly.

I'm sure if you care to look Michael, you'd find plenty of other subjects on that'd had only one post that day on the other sites, too.

Kelvin, you make a very good point and one that I made some time back, it is not healthy for there to be so many off shoots from a community. The more people you can have in a community/club, the better, the stronger and more diverse the opinion will be. I remember how bad it was when Roche and the mgoc felt the need to rip the MG enthusiasts apart some years ago, but today it is far worse with small organisations springing up all over the place.

Bob, I think one of the reasons for some of these 'offshoots' is that the owners of the modern MGs perceive the owners of the older models to be unwelcoming (rightly or wrongly).

What is lacking sometimes (in my opinion) is a willingness of some owners to accept that we are all owners of MGs and as such all share a common heritage and future.

You have hit the nail on the head JLD.
If you turned up at one of bobs beardo events in your Zed he would probably choke on his old speckled hen and tell his mates "look at that rover with a body kit"
You know thats true Bob,go on admit it. ;)

Cecil Cousins

My wife and I turned up to the local MG?C local pub night in my mgtf. Parked in the middle of various midgets, A's, B's etc. They saw us arrive and yet ignored us all night. They all wore matching 'harry and harriet' embroidered polo shirts and stuck in a huddle in the corner. I was adament I wouldn't make the first move! What a bunch of rude and aloof nobs! As my wife and I are from this planet and fully visible I can only assume my MG is not an MG. Funny and sad in equal measure. They will suffer as they die off and there's no-one to continue their precious little gathering....

Next time I might turn up in my TR7! That'll make them bite the end of their pipes off!

Anyway, Oscar Wilde said he didn't want to join any clubs that had standards low enough for him to join!!!


Prefered sites? This one until X-Power took off and now I use both. Don't like the advertising and merchandising BS (Tiverton's etc) and I'm unimpressed with Dr Dave's depth of knowledge on the other one what ever it's called....
Ian Walker

Cecil, although I would tend to agree with you in general, I don't think that is the case with Bob himself.

Bob lives locally and we have talked 'cars' at several 'natters'. He has beliefs (don't think he would mind me saying that), but then again don't we all.

JLD you here too cos X-Power is down!!!!!!!
Ian Walker

Here and there. Still problems relating to the new server methinks.

Ian what tee shirt were you wearing, "X Power"? I understand what you mean but I think you are being a little unfair, I know of no one in the MGCC whom would take that attitude. That said I think most are very shy people and as such are difficult to get to know well, you too have to make conversation and it does take time whether you arrive monthly in an MGA or a MGZT. Most of these people have been friends for a long time and find it easy to talk amongst themselves but very difficult to have conversations with someone new to them. By the way if I approached everyone who came to a pub in a ZED ranting about the MGCC most would think me mad! these cars are also owned by the " general" public with no interest in the MG marque or its history. To finish my son owns an MGZR and God forbid a TR7 also.

>>>>I was adament I wouldn't make the first move!
====social skills not your strong point then
>>>>Oscar Wilde said he didn't want to join any clubs that had standards low enough for him to join!!!
====I think you'll find it was Groucho Marx who said that

The areas where the 'other' boards are strongest are where this one is weakest, which is to say the MG Zed range.

The MGF/TF board on this site is very well established - and this reflects in the relatively low volume of traffic on the others. Broadly, I think we're quite a friendly bunch there, so new comers often come and stay.

The Zed site here has been afflicted with a couple of problems.
Firstly, there is no distinction between the three variants - which could be misconstrued to a lack of commitment to these models. I also think that this is a mistake primarily because although we are all MG enthusiasts, there are demographic differences between those who buy a ZT to those who buy a ZR. The ZR communities on the other sites being very active and into modifications - good for them!
Secondly, this Zed board has been afflicted by certain characters that have put off first time posters with cheap jibes. Predictably, these first time posters go off and search for a more sympathetic ear elsewhere. I don't blame them.

Question is, what to do about it?

Anything at all - or leave the status quo?
Divide up the Zed board into ZR/ ZS/ ZT?

I for one would not be in favour of site moderation here - for the reasons mentioned already by Patrick and Mike - but there are mechanisms for regulation, as many have already found.

So what is it to be chaps?
Rob Bell

or you could merge the Zs into the current Metro, Maestro and Montego boards......all front wheel drive, all based on ARG products all very difficult to lower the roof.


Patrick Beet

>all very difficult to lower the roof.

Patrick new optional extra for 2003 is an angle grinder next to the sapce saver wheel. But what d you do with the roof then??? :-)

MGCC were adament they would not merge the Zeds with the FWD register!

MG'M' too were adament that they would not modify its option to cater soley for MG Metro, Maestro and Montego.

At the current level of posting the single MG Z Forum is fine IMHO,
and does not need merging with M,M & M, seems no logic in that at all!!!

Saw a wide 'flat' LCD screen/monitor the other day, ideal for displaying all the forums at once... it was £1600 + looked great! oops one for the IT forum at x-power!! :-)



Ian Walker, Lancashire

I turned up in my D reg MG Montego Turbo for my first visit to our local MG enthusiasts get together (1st Tuesday of the month at a local pub). I made straight for the gathering and got chatting to the group straightaway. Had I not done so, human nature being what it is, I suspect that I would not have been approached. Similarly, if you'd turned up in your MGTF I'd certainly come over and said Hello. That's the way I am. Others may simply be a bit shy - not to be confused with snobbishness.

Regarding Z-car owners. I dont think the MG-Zeds have been around long enough to become awidely appreciated "enthusiasts" car just yet. Unlike that other MG still in production, the MGTF which in the F form has been around for years and already developed quite a following, plus being the UKs favourite 2 seater for some years now. Spoke to a number of new owner Z-drivers (usually when filling up at the garage) or at work and many are FIRST TIME "MG" buyers. There are some owned by enthusiasts, a glance at these threads tell you that but the vast majority are bought by people simply wanting a nice car. Zeds-BBS will need a little more time to develop methinks ...... but it will in time as the word gets around .... you see.

John McFeely

.... Oh yes, forgot to mention, the local organiser turned up in his MR2 .... as his MGBGT was not ready ...

Being THERE amongst enthusiasts ... for me, that's the the whole point ... not what car you came in ... :o))
John McFeely

"and I'm unimpressed with Dr Dave's depth of knowledge on the other one what ever it's called...."

It's if you had forgotten!!...and DrD's saved me some considerable time & hassle with some niggling problems with my car....cheers!

Are you professing to know more IW? If not, keep it to yourself!

I rest my case!
Ian Walker

Random Dr Dave quote from bbs. This is in answer to question re noisy startup:

"The K Series engine has Alloy pistons with steel expansion inserts. The noise you are hearing when the engine is cold is piston slap, a noise brought about by a 'loose' fitting piston in the liner. Don't worry, it's not phsically 'loose' but it's loose by engineering standards, that's all.

It's a normal condition and is in no way detrimental to the longevity or operation of the engine....

....When the engine attains operating temperature, the piston expands to its working dimension and the noise disappears."

Really?! My money would be on hydraulic valve gear rattling until oil pressure rises. The two sound quite different and piston slap lasts longer than 2-3 seconds.
Ian Walker

Maybe you should read the thread? Because the guy was complaining about a booming noise - someone else mentioned piston slap, when the topic poster asked what that was, Dr. Dave was *quoted* from a previous thread. It was not advice he gave in relation to the original question posed.

Maybe if you took the time to read things properly they'd make sense to you?
king arthur

Still a lousy board though KR, which is dominated by Richardson plants!
George Hunt

exactly my point; the position in the thread at which suggestions were made was at an imature level of diagnostics. As a qualified engineer in three disciplines including over 10 years in engine control systems one lesson we learn is avoid jumping to conclusions on solutions. I would be asking more questions re the sound, duration, temperature of engine, et, etc BEFORE suggestions are made. Good engineering practice. In this case probably not an issue but the notion of an individual setting themselves up as an expert remote diagnostic expert is risky. I guess MGR/Dealers would take a dim view of it.

The reason this bbs and others work is because everyone contributes ideas but no-one sets themselves up as experts; the questioner can judge for themselves. Where someone sets themselves up as an expert it is asking for trouble. Maybe that's why the disclaimer is there. Unfortunately, those less discerning may be taken in. Incidentally, I'm unsure of the validity/legality of a disclaimer to stand up or do richardsons/steve childs underwrite by implication?
Ian Walker

The reason I check in less often than I used to on this board is it seems to have disintigrated into pointless bitching and flaming. I'm sure we're all adult, or at least most of us are, and can make up our own minds on what to ignore, but it seems to have stopped being about the cars and more about the personality clashes recently.

I can't really understand why people knock other people's attempts to help and contribute, I'd rather make my mind up about other people's advice, and on these and other forums people can offer corrections if they feel it's appropriate. I think a lot of people have abandoned the "Zed" section of this board because people have found the community more welcoming elsewhere even if it means a small amount of moderation. I find it strange that people will say things on a bulletin board under the cloak of anonymity that they wouldn't say to a stranger in the street, I think the boards that require a login at least mean that it's obvious who's responsible for any particular nasty comment.

>>>I think the boards that require a login at least mean that it's obvious who's responsible for any particular nasty comment.
===just because this board does not REQUIRE one to login, that is no excuse for behaving in an immature / lazy / ignorant / etc (delete as apprpriate) way by hiding behind a pseudonym. As Patrick has said on many occasions one does not (should not) need to be nannied into behaving properly.

Oh dear, Ian really has his knickers in a twist!

Out, toys and pram comes to mind!

Toys. I think Ian is a honest realist. Plus he's on the mark!
George Hunt

Somehow that just doesn't read right.....

Hands off - I'm Gramma's man!

LOL @ Grandad!

So let me get this correct. We are saying that an MG Rover dealer advertising on a MG Rover enthusiasts site is a bad thing?
Furthermore an MG Rover after sales manager who is enthusiastic and offers free advice on MG Rover's is also a bad thing?
John Manson

<<<So let me get this correct. We are saying that an MG Rover dealer advertising on a MG Rover enthusiasts site is a bad thing?
Furthermore an MG Rover after sales manager who is enthusiastic and offers free advice on MG Rover's is also a bad thing>>>>

Only if the info is biased to selling parts - which it clearly is!
An MGR Fan.

<< Only if the info is biased to selling parts - which it clearly is! >>

So, you're telling me that if you went to your local dealer, asked them what the problem is, if it requires new parts, they wouldn't offer to sell them to you?

And none of the advice Dave gives is biased towards anything - except perhaps, biased in so much as helping people who are requesting advice.

<< Still a lousy board though KR, which is dominated by Richardson plants! >>

I don't recall seeing any shrubbery around the forums? (<- Cr*p joke alert!) The only reason a few of the guys from Richardsons post (and Dave being by far the most active) is that they are enthusiasts - plain and simple.

<< Ian Walker, Lancashire
exactly my point; the position in the thread at which suggestions were made was at an imature level of diagnostics. As a qualified engineer in three disciplines including over 10 years in engine control systems one lesson we learn is avoid jumping to conclusions on solutions. I would be asking more questions re the sound, duration, temperature of engine, et, etc BEFORE suggestions are made. Good engineering practice. In this case probably not an issue but the notion of an individual setting themselves up as an expert remote diagnostic expert is risky. I guess MGR/Dealers would take a dim view of it. >>

Dave has worked his way up from Technican to Service & Aftersales Manager, he knows more about MGR cars than anyone I have ever met before, he's also more than qualified to answer the questions. He is an expert on these cars, whether you agree or not. MGR/Dealers do not take a dim view of it at all, rather the opposite. Actually, I would go as far as to say that without Dr Dave on the site, I doubt it would be as popular as it is today. He's helped a lot of people, posts in his own time (far too busy 99% of the time at work) and is an asset and a credit to MG and Rover enthusiasts and the MGR Dealer network. PERIOD.

At the end of the day, everyone has their favourite websites and thats fine - everyone is different and each to their own. I'm proud of what my site has achieved, accomplished and I'm more than happy at the thought that people have been helped out, and they've saved money as a result. Sure, without help from Dave and Mark from Richardsons it probably wouldn't be as popular as it is, but they are both enthusiasts and offered help and advice where they saw fit.

Richardsons are a one of a kind dealership that I haven't seen since (with perhaps the exception of Kernahans, but I haven't had enough dealings with them to know for sure) where everyone at the dealership, from MD down to the technicans on the workshop floor are MGR enthusiasts.

The MGR Dealer network could do with more dealers like Richardsons who are as enthusiastic about the product as we are and not dealers who are simply after new car sales and don't really take much of an interest in the cars they sell. (Although its only fair to point out, other manufacturers have the same problem, its by no means only affects the MGR dealer chain)

After all, Forums are around for 1 thing, to facilitate communication between people who share a common interest. I think all the forums mentioned here excel at that.


Steve Childs,
webmaster, (for those who don't know).
Steve Childs

I have to say that I have a problem with traders selling their wares and sevices via these enthusiasts boards. That said how would you stop it and also if you are reasonably educated surely one can see these people and thus ignore their comments if you choose to do so. I have noticed that the classified section of this site is starting to attract more and more traders which is a pity in my opinion, when the boni-fide trader is more than welcome to have an advert placed in the correct manner with a short cut.

Does Dr Dave have a PhD or is he simply using a title that he has not been awarded?
Neil Stothert

A mail order one from the US perhaps?
Patrick Beet

No, I believe it to be a screen-name only.
Dr Watson

"Lay off, guys, if you can't say something positive, say nowt!"

Micheal - well said.

That's the reason this BBS is going (has gone?) downhill - constant threat of flaming etc etc

Isn't it amazing how long this thread has got? (63 replies so far??) all on the subject of OTHER places to go!

I do wonder if the originator of the thread was 'fishing' in the first instance?

Regulars here will know what I mean!

>Isn't it amazing how long this thread has got? (63 replies so far??) all on the subject of OTHER places to go!<

Isn’t that just the point – it’s being said here and not somewhere else? Though to be fair most of the 63 posts are not extolling the benefits of other sites, as you seem to suggest, but criticising them.

Surely the diversity of sites within the MG Community is a positive thing and covers the expectations of most owners.

If you like the rough and tumble of this Board where points of view are expressed freely with enthusiasm, then you won’t spend much time elsewhere. And it is interesting that supporters of other sites who decry this Board, spend so much time here.

If on the other hand, you like the idea of a hierarchy for members and nannies and you aspire to becoming a senior moderator then this is clearly not the place for you.

When seeking advice on a problem you may not be able to cope with a plethora of suggestions and would prefer to have one authoritative answer from a self styled doctor, then you know where to go.

I have a look at the other sites but find them sterile and uninspiring and am too impatient to wait a week for the next person to post on the thread.

Having said all that I salute the chaps who are working so hard to set up their sites – sites that will appeal to many, but not to me.


Michael Williams

"I have a look at the other sites but find them sterile and uninspiring and am too impatient to wait a week for the next person to post on the thread"

Which ones do u have in mind M?
MG Addict


In answer to your original question, there are many MG resources on the web. At the moment I would say the most popular three (in no particular order) are the :

+ Easy to use, great archives if you own F,or older MG.

- Anonomous, can be a bit cliquey, needs updating in parts.

+ One stop shop for all things MG-Rover.

- Only for the more modern enthusiast.

+ Excellent for 'Z' cars, MG motorsport and trackday info.

- It does what it says on the tin, so not so much on F's and older MG's.


John Manson


"Dave has worked his way up from Technican to Service & Aftersales Manager, he knows more about MGR cars than anyone I have ever met before, he's also more than qualified to answer the questions. He is an expert on these cars, whether you agree or not."

Experienced great, but not infallible. If he can consistently and reliably diagnose faults based on what people post then I and thousands of other customer support engineering managers would be delighted to offer him a job. Sadly, in my 15 or so years of doing it and managing it I haven't met anyone that good.

"MGR/Dealers do not take a dim view of it at all, rather the opposite."

MGR happy are they? I bet they and other dealers aren't happy business is being lost in this economic slowdown.

"Actually, I would go as far as to say that without Dr Dave on the site, I doubt it would be as popular as it is today. He's helped a lot of people, posts in his own time (far too busy 99% of the time at work)"


"and is an asset and a credit to MG and Rover enthusiasts and the MGR Dealer network. PERIOD."

Don't oversell it!

"Richardsons are a one of a kind dealership that I haven't seen since (with perhaps the exception of Kernahans, but I haven't had enough dealings with them to know for sure) where everyone at the dealership, from MD down to the technicans on the workshop floor are MGR enthusiasts."

Good plug for your site sponsor?!

The MGR Dealer network could do with more dealers like Richardsons who are as enthusiastic about the product as we are and not dealers who are simply after new car sales and don't really take much of an interest in the cars they sell."

Another plug!

"After all, Forums are around for 1 thing, to facilitate communication between people who share a common interest."

Not that a a vehicle to make money then?!
Ian Walker

You guys, what are you like!? I browse through the three forums mentioned, but some of the members here take the biscuit for flaming. It's as if you've formed a tribal, or clique mentality in opposition to the other sites even though you share v. similar interests. It's a shame because some of the individual posts offer real insight and are an interesting resource for mgr owners and those who follow the company's fortunes. Competition between sites is good, as is a difference in views on the same thread, but some of you could try harder to keep it healthy...

Overall 3/10 - could do better.

The headmaster


>I have to say that I have a problem with traders selling their wares and sevices via these enthusiasts boards.<

Do you mean like webmasters of competing sites who seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on this Board plugging their sites and defending their disciples who preach a message of doom and destruction about this site.


>I'm sure we're all adult, or at least most of us are, and can make up our own minds on what to ignore, but it seems to have stopped being about the cars and more about the personality clashes recently.<

Well this thread is certainly not about cars, as Moderators, Senior Moderators and Webmaster all step up to extol the virtues of their site. Some might wonder about the ethics of using this site to promote a competing site, but that is clearly not of concern to them. I guess the concept of ‘vested interest’ is outdated.

The original question could have been easily answered as it was by John Manson, but without all the commercials.


>That's the reason this BBS is going (has gone?) downhill - constant threat of flaming etc etc<

I must say, you do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on a site that has gone “downhill”. Is there a reason for this? Most ‘non-maniacs’ might decide to move on. Is it possible that you are a masochist and rather enjoy the perceived danger of being flamed – could go well with the megalomania.

Hugh, alias the Headmaster

>Competition between sites is good, as is a difference in views on the same thread, but some of you could try harder to keep it healthy...<

That’s a somewhat ‘wishy, washy’ non statement. Having covered ‘competition’ and ‘differences of views’ what do you perceive to be unhealthy?


Michael Williams

I suspect I am sounding like a scratched record (for those that remember those things) but there is very little flaming on this site but lots of robust comment and even more useful information. I just do not understand how people have a problem with this!

Compare and contrast with another board where someone is saying they are going to close down the board because Rover will not let him organise a charabanc trip to Longbridge for his BBS friends. This is then followed by the most terrible flow of sycophantic drivel with them all saying how empty there lives would be and please would he reconsider.

Clearly the only valid response is to tell him to stop being such a drama queen.

On this board we would have all queued up to present this far more realistic and succinct advice. That's why I love it!


Patrick Beet


What a hoot! I hoped you voted. I tried to, but my YES vote accounted for 0%. The NO vote is still 100%.

Tony must be made aware of this voting system - all contrary votes will be disregarded.


Michael Williams

F**k me, you're right! It's rigged!

yes does work, just tried it but you can only vote once. TBH I think its a bit childish all this my forums better than yours.

Lets just get on.


If this forum was moderated at least this thread could be locked or removed and the more serious talk about Zeds could continue, instead of this inane drivel.

No you can't fix the board - but you have to be registered to vote.

Lets just get on and talk MG's!
Mr vBulletin

Well now you can see the advantage of a moderated board – the embarrassing thread has been deleted. I find it difficult to believe that a grown man could set himself up for such a flood of mindless sycophantic adulation from his brain dead disciples and now the evidence has been hastily removed.

Were it not for our Mr Plumstead, I would be inclined to believe that MG Site web masters are childishly immature individuals who continue to throw tantrums when they don’t get their own way. I have no problem with them acting like spoilt brats on their own sites but I do object to them throwing their toys out of the pram on this site.

The other thing that gets up my nose is their bloody disciples coming on here and complaining that this site has gone downhill, contains nothing but flaming and it’s members are not MG enthusiasts. Well, the answer is very simple – pi** off. You have the kind of site you claim to want, so stay there and post. You only come here because your moderated site is as dull as ditch water and you want a bit of excitement. I have no problem with that, stay and enjoy, but stop the hypocritical bullsh*it.

Finally, to those precious souls who say that this kind of thread is out of order and we should be talking MGs instead, I have to ask why they are participating if it offends them? There are plenty of MG threads discussing wing mirrors and licence plates for their information and entertainment, but in reality, its threads like this that are amusing and entertaining and provide welcome relief from ‘damp patches in the footwell’. I offer you the number of post as evidence.

May this site continue as it is. I don’t post very often but I do get a lot of usefull information and I do enjoy the repartee particularly from Mike and Patrick. For those who have a problem with this site, there or others, why not give them a try.

77 posts and counting.........

Have to agree with you Gareth, 100%

When I first got my "F" I use to frequent this bored very often, but due to the likes of Mega and all the flaming that goes on I decided to move elsewhere, people on this thread are even slagg1ng the other BBS off but I noticed that quite a few of the names are members and quite regular posters on the "other" BBS!!


An "" use to be
Member from another BBS

I can only agree with what has been said here about why people now go elsewhere.

I used to frequent this board, but now prefer to use other boards due to the persistant drivell and flaming that goes on here.

I always looked upon MG as the marque of friendship but it seems that some on this board are intent upon driving others away.

At this rate this board will soon be only visited by those with cloth caps and the 'ain't been a proper MG built since 1955' attitude.
He who now posts elsewhere

I see the 'hot topic' now is Xmas pressies now for under £25!?


I can see you are trying to stir a little, very easy when you can hide here without a profile.

The difference is I know who YOU are, I can see your IP!

Sad, so sad!
Sport & Racing

Member from another BBS
He who now posts elsewhere

Isn't it wonderful that you can hide behind the very anonymity that you find so objectionable about this site? But then, posting your name would take an act of courage not found in those who are offended by a Mega, or afraid of robust opinions, or unable to make the choice between those threads they read and those they don’t. Sorry chaps but we don’t have nannies on this site as we expect members to be adult and past the stage of needing to have their nappies changed.

If you appreciate the kind of circus that has recently taken place on another site, then all I can say is that you deserve each other. If you think that jibes about ‘cloth caps’ and the imminent demise of this site is in any way realistic, you are echoing the wish list of your ‘masters’ and you are both sadly deluded.

Yes, MG is the Marque of Friendship, but it takes two to play at that game. Besides, 'friendship’ and ‘suffering fools gladly’ creates a conflict not easily resolved.

Having said all that, sensible mature adults are always welcome on this site and the hand of friendship is extended by most members.



Michael Williams


Sport & Racing
>The difference is I know who YOU are, I can see your IP!<
Just how pathetic can you get? I guess we know the answer to that.

Michael Williams

How truly wonderful, the censored site has spotted how ridiculous they looked and removed the silly thread. Only just tested the no vote facility to!

lmgzs180 - please do not feel guilty or inadequate about posting inane drivel. I can only speak for myself, I would defend your right to post inane drivel against armies of Moderators, Super Moderators and even Intergalactic Warrior Moderators!

Also please recognise that this board will allow more than one thread at a time! You can thus happily post inane drivel to one thread whilst also contributing to another on Rover 200 and Honda Civic derivatives!



PS lmgzs180, Unusual name, are you Polish?

PPS Michael and Gareth - spot on gentlemen!
Patrick Beet

I don’t know who ‘MG’ is but I’ll bet he has just been chucked out Xpower – lucky chap.

These Gestapo tactics are really unbelievable. They now follow their members around other sites to make sure the are being loyal to the Fuhrer. And if they are out of step they are warned that their IP address can be seen. “Ve haf vays….”

For heavens sake it’s a bleeden web site. They'll be chucking V2 rockets at us next.

On a more serious note and at the risk of sounding pompous, I do worry about how little some people understand of the importance of free speech and democracy. Millions died to ensure we have this right and yet too many people would happily argue for censorship on something so monumentally unimportant as a discussion on cars.

Just remember boys it is better to have your gentle sensibilities offended by reading something with which you disagree than to worry about a call from the secret police - unless of course you see such a development as offering you new career paths for you dictatorial tendencies.

If you do not understand my point could a suggest you move to Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Zimbabwe or an number of other countries to get a better understanding of the importance of free speech.


Patrick Beet


Here, Here.

Fought one of the above wars and in Yugoslavia for the same reasons.

That's why we have different BB catering for all points of view!

I am sorry but I have to agree with Gareth and the others, well the others on this particular occassion. Not being an MGZed owner I suppose my other MGs class me as a flat capper, well that is so far from the truth that it demonstrates generalizations for what they are. I come to this BBS for a bit of entertainment and knowledge, I read what I care to, and post as I feel compelled, all I will add to this discussion is that some childish individuals need to get a life!
Bob, MGA, Midget, hard up Northerner who wishes he too could get a cushy well paid job so he could have a Zed.


Perhaps each generation has to shed it’s own blood in order to appreciate the real value of freedom. Vicarious sacrifice doesn’t seem to cut the mustard today. You are of course quite right, there is an absurdity in censoring a web site about cars, but then freedom of speech and democracy appears to come so cheaply to those who haven’t fought for it. To introduce censorship to repel a Mega or prevent the expression of robust opinions is only obscene to those who have made the sacrifice.


The post about seeing the IP address was ominous and clearly threatening. When web masters and their henchmen have to resort to such tactics to keep their followers in line, on, as you say, a “bleeden web page”, then there is something that is seriously rotten. The corruption of power is a fact beyond dispute, even when it’s only the power of administering a web site. It’s both pathetic and sad.

There have been some serious errors of judgement made during this thread and it would be appropriate for a certain web master to emerge from the adulation of his followers and post a full apology on this Board, either for his own actions or for those of his colleagues, as appropriate.

Michael Williams


Assuming you are MRW on the XPower Site I have just read your two threads, Talk about going into the Lion's den. If Jerry stopped your first thread for asking a question, I reckon the hob nail boots will be kicking your front door down for your second thread.

Anyway very well done, and I wait with interest for the next move.

We'll watch the fireworks!

Hope they'll be colourful...

Patrick->>>at the risk of sounding pompous
===steady on, don't want you treading on my toes :-)

Well last week will be one that the web master of Xpower will want to forget. An unmitigated PR disaster would be a kind description. For once the huge difference in philosophy between the two forums was brought into sharp focus and Xpower was shown for what it is. For those who would like to read the final chapter

Perhaps a lesson has been learned and we will receive fewer visitors telling us what a crap forum we have here. I really can’t see why we can’t live in harmony with our neighbours.

The Welsh Git

Posted this morning under ForumAdmin on X-Power

>You may have noticed there are no longer "Super Moderators".

Hence more appearing under sub-Forums.

I may have even deleted a moderator - because he/she doesn't frequent the board often enough.

The intention is to provide a Format for people to discuss MG's without "BIG BROTHER" always looking in.

Which should only happen if the Forum Guidelines are broken.<

A victory for common sense methinks - well done Jerry.


Michael Williams

Well last week will be one that the web master of Xpower will want to forget. An unmitigated PR disaster would be a kind description.

....and they want a factory visit? On Health & Safety grounds I think it would be dangerous!

The longer threads like this continue, the more fragmented the MG community could, potentially, become. We all are proud of our MGs and keen to discuss them (visiting a board like this is, in itself, proof of that). Lets get back to enjoying our motors and posting on the various boards rather than entering into some sort of 'self destruct' downward spiral which could eventually harm all of the various MG forums.



>The longer threads like this continue, the more fragmented the MG community could, potentially, become.<

1.The MG Community is fragmented and always has been. MGA owners turning up their nose at B’s etc.

2.It is not threads like this that have fragmented the modern MG Community but individuals who, for their own reasons, and not altruistic ones, set up their web sites in competition to this one.

3.The gulf between the fragmented sections widens when web masters of competing sites stuff ethics and come on here to promote their site. Their disciples lining up to criticise everything about this site at every opportunity, is no indication that they are proud of their “MGs and keen to discuss them”. They drop in with their illiterate sound bites and then, when they get a bloody nose, run to mommy crying about flaming.

4.When the fragmentation that they have created leads to Big Brother looking over the shoulder of their members, when posting here, to make sure that they are being loyal, the whole matter takes a particularly nasty and sinister turn.

5.We don’t need to “get back to enjoying our motors” as we are doing that anyway and it would be nice to be able to post on “the various Boards” without being censored or having a post closed for daring to ask the web master a question. I have noted and appreciated the minor admin changes on X-Power, they are a wise first step. It is just a pity that Jerry had to thank me for my criticism with clenched teeth and passed the responsibility for the ‘threatening poster’ back to this Board. He still doesn’t seem to appreciate that it is the control culture that he has created, that spawns that kind on nonsense.

6.There is absolutely no reason why a number of very different MG Communities can’t co-exist in friendship without trying to destroy each other. If this thread has done anything, it has sharply focused on the differences and given the opportunity for people to vent their spleen. Perhaps now posts on the subject will be more considered and positive efforts will be made across the divided Community to foster friendship. I for one hope so.

Michael Williams

With reference to (2)

This board became unuseable at one point, mainly down to the sterling efforts of one person, his name beginning with 'M'

That, in my opinion, is why other sites and moderated boards sprung up.

BUT, as has been clearly demonstrated on one particular board, there can be TOO MUCH moderation.

"Rock & A Hardplace" I see is/was the infamous Mr Flint......he had a flamey attitude on here, back then.

With reference to (6)

Totally agree with you Micheal.

From an earlier post....

Sport & Racing
>The difference is I know who YOU are, I can see your IP!<

When the majority of us have dymanic IP's.......go figure.

Will this tread reach 100.

This bbs is the original and the BEST.

Rob - you done it!

BTCC final round at Donington - the best organised and most enjoyable MG meet I have ever experienced. This was arranged by the X-Power forum.
Additionally the incorporation of the NMGO within this forum have made it the most appropriate for me to use. Not only that, but the incorporation of cookies make it far easier to access then However, I have found both sites useful in the past.
I apologise if uses cookies, but I need to log on everytime I look on the site, so there must be an issue somewhere.

Certainly made interesting reading haven't laughed so much in years or seen such an active thread under the Zed forum.

Hope everyone is friends again soon ;)


This site uses cookies? To me it looks like anyone can post here, under any name they like. Not that I'd ever do anything like that of course. does use cookies, don't know why you always have to log on - try it again and see, maybe it's fixed now.
king arthur

I have just read the MRW thread on Xpower and I for one will not be signing up to the idea that we must all be chums together just because we drive MGs.

That lot make cretins look intelligent and they practice with great delight all the flaming and cr@p that they accuse us of. So Flint has got rid of ‘Super Moderators’, big deal, he still has plenty of ‘big brothers’ around to keep his sycophantic moronic disciples in order. All he has done is make an empty gesture in the hope that he won’t continue to look like a complete prat, an impossible task.

So Mikeh “friends again soon” - with mates like yours, not likely.


"That lot make cretins look intelligent and they practice with great delight all the flaming and cr@p that they accuse us of. So Flint has got rid of ‘Super Moderators’, big deal, he still has plenty of ‘big brothers’ around to keep his sycophantic moronic disciples in order. All he has done is make an empty gesture in the hope that he won’t continue to look like a complete prat, an impossible task"

I reckon Flint's members are reguarly brainwashed......

"So Mikeh “friends again soon” - with mates like yours, not likely"

100% agree Gareth.

"I have just read the MRW thread....."

I wonder how long MRW will remain a member over there? Not long.......


For a fleeting moment in time, I thought Flint had redeemed himself....but alas not!

"The more astute of you will have noticed we've had a shuffle of moderators to forums. Now only one moderator per sub forum and now only the busiest and ones of specific interest individually monitored. This isn't to say the rest is a free for all...oh no! There's now a half dozen or so mod+ people (formerly known as super mods) to ensure all runs smoothly"

Ah, theres no more Super Moderators but now theses mod+'s

Same sh*t different title....

Does it really matter????

I can't believe some people....
Surely it's a real sad state of affairs if this is the longest thread on here! Why can't people live and let live?

Obviously some of you must feel threatened by other forums or you wouldn't be spying and reporting back!!

Why can't you just get on with discussing the car marque that you own and love on your own choice of site? If you want to, feel free to add (constructive points) to other sites. If you don't like them, don't bother.

Simple really. Now please can that be the end of this bickering, it really is so immature and senseless!!!
MG babe

No, they started it....
Patrick Beet

Ah yes, the classic playground response!

Now, who's got the biggest dad?

I have to say, this is a truly impressive display of the value of the internet for the exchange of information.

No, really.

Last one out, put the lights out would you?

I’ve read some good jokes but this thread takes some beating.

So now we have ditched “Super Moderators” for “Mods+”. Is there a ‘Rockers-‘ in the hierarchy for those who remember the good old days?

How can he say there’ll be no “free for all”? In the old days when the Mods met the Rockers…

I don’t wonder that they keep coming on here begging us to close this thread as it is obviously making them feel very uncomfortable and insecure. But then belonging to an outfit like that, you would, wouldn’t you?

They have been parading on here for many months like constipated debutants, telling us what a load of crap this site is, but as soon as they get a bit our their own medicine they are bleating like stuffed pigs. Do pigs bleat? Maybe it’s constipated debutants that bleat, whatever.

Threatened by other forums indeed……..we are checking out the latest ludicrous developments and reporting back because we are enjoying the joke so much and wish to generously share it with others. It is a perfectly reasonable MG discussion, don’t you know.

Of course it’s a playground you prat – that can be the only explanation for X-Power.
“For immature and senseless!!!” check out

The Welsh Git

Gareth & MG whether you want to be friends or not is of no real concern to me.

I appreciate you may or may not agree with how things are done on other sites the same as I worry about the way people hide behind psuedonyms on here.

But friends or not I still think that any thread that lowers itself to these levels,(whoever started it children !) does not deserve the web space it is taking up, and does nothing for the integrity of this site or its members.




Meglomaniac , one word - Bollocks :)"

Same to you too - nob-wash!

well remembered, and no I showered this morning but thanks for the offer ....

Look guys, behave or I'll have to come along and do some stuff :-) with my Mod+ super-powers!

What no more “super mods” – that’s a bugger. Has Mike Satur gone out of business? Just when I was ready to spend some money.


Michael Williams

Mod+, name the time and place.


Right.....8pm @ The Wobbly Wheel it is then! Don't bring any of your fellow croonies.....

When you are on the floor I vill plug your brain into my PC and suitably brain-wash you.

"Brain wash me" Oh no, you must be the Flint man himself. I'm bringing me mates cos you'll have all them Mod+ who will have taken a night off from seeing that things run smoothly.

Oh fear not, I'll not bring me mates

(No I'm not Sir Flintlock...)

Just me and you..

But I'll still bring me USB cable to plug into you and program you up accordingly..

I now wonder why people dont bother with this BBS now!
An MG owner

There is another alternative not yet mentioned, and that is the MGOC's own BBS, which uses a slighty different version of this BBS software.

Only members of MGOC can log in.



You really have some neck to come on here and talk this site lowering itself and the lack of integrity.

Having been on the receiving end of criticism and insults from Xpower members for a considerable time, one or two of us had a close look at what you considered to be so wonderful. The Big Brother episode here and the MRW thread at Xpower was a revelation about your control culture.

One of your own members asks Flint a perfectly reasonable question and for his impertinence gets his thread stopped. I didn’t at that point see a post from you mentioning integrity or questioning that decision. But then, I guess, it’s not too healthy to ask questions on that site.

Then this same member starts a second thread explaining the basis of the question. By that time the two threads have been noticed by this board and commented on. Flint was now between a rock and a hard place. Would he act by instinct and close the second thread knowing full well that it would be spotted here or would he let it run. He chose the later. Then the flaming and abuse started on Xpower, this friendly welcoming site. You also posted but didn’t mention integrity or defend your fellow members’ right to be heard or condemn the flaming. You didn’t mention that the site level was being lowered, in fact you thought it was all a huge joke.

So it would seem that you have two standards about what deserves web space, one when you are criticising this site and one when you are fawning to your master and mates on Xpower. Your hypocrisy does little for any integrity that you might have had.

An MG Owner

I don’t respond to people who haven’t the wit to invent a proper name.


"There is another alternative not yet mentioned, and that is the MGOC's own BBS, which uses a slighty different version of this BBS software.

Only members of MGOC can log in"

.....but Kelv, dear boy, aren't thay all old f@rts over there?


I fear you are only displaying you "control freak" tendencies and have still not grasped the importance of freedom of speech.

Dear old MG owner, you post surely lacked any hint of logic. I suspect this single thread on this board shows more activity than the entire X-Power board's threads combined and is surely more interesting or you would not be here!

I have this terrible confession. I keep seeing this board as Snow White and the various other boards as the seven dwarfs. Worse, I can't help feeling that X-Power fills the rolls of both Dopey and Grumpy in this analogy!


Patrick Beet

Original opening question of this thread:
"Anyone know of other MG Forums on the net worth a look?"

There are 3 options, 2 of which are now well documented in this thread, and the third option is the MGOC board as mentioned.

How does answering the question display my "control freak" tendencies.

I standy my earlier comments:
I still prefer the layout and the ease of use of this, the 'ORIGINAL' MG forum...
I really do wish more Z owners had stayed here.



I suspect Patrick had been enjoying the odd gallon of liquid refreshment before he posted that, in the early hours of this morning. Otherwise I too am mystified by his comment.


Michael Williams

The answer Kelvin and Michael seems obvious, you need to be a member (control). Why anyone would want to enhance the fortune of Roche Bentley just to talk MGs with someone else is a mystery

How does pointing out the fact of the MGOC BBS without recomendation, indicate that Kelvin is a "control freak"?

Michael Williams

Now let me see? Suggest using a board that is controlled ( someone whom agrees with control!)
Suggest using a free uncontrolled board (someone whom agrees with that principle)
Which bit do you find hard to understand Michael?

That's my point, there was NO suggestion about using the MGOC BBS, merely the statement of fact that it existed. He had already stated that he prefered this Board.

Michael Williams


I am a member of all four Boards mentioned on this thread – does that make me a control freak?

Michael Williams

Of the 4 boards mentioned, the MGOC board was the first one I posted on, and (prior to this post) the most recent.


"I am a member of all four Boards mentioned on this thread – does that make me a control freak?"

No, not in the slightest Mike

This thread has now become a discusion on whether a Forum/BBS/Chat room should or should not require the user to registered, and wheter or not it should be moderated?

I personally do not have have a problem with registering with a site, or there being moderators.

There are virtually no forums online these days that do not hve some sort of control, these controls are put in place in many cases to protect the owners from third parties taking legal action when people get slagged off... Unless you write your own software for a forum, then by default a most of the 'Big Brother' features exist.

Mr Childs, Mr Flints and Mr Bentley have regular posters, and in the case of Childs and Flint, many hundreds! The majority vote would seem to go with sites with a fair ammout of control!


This has been mentioned before, but surely the main attraction of Messer's Childs and Flint's efforts is that offensive posters can be immidiately eradicated, thus promoting better debate. I personally use X-Power as a certain scouser who did so much to destroy this community does not (Or is not allowed to) contribute there.

Oh, and Patrick seems to hate me, too.


>Surely the main attraction of Messer's Childs and Flint's efforts is that offensive posters can be immidiately eradicated, thus promoting better debate.<

What is offensive to me may not be offensive to you, so who is to be the judge? Control freaks love the word ‘offensive’ because it is their excuse to censor what is said in their favour. For example, would you regard my question to Jerry Flint on as offensive? If the question had no implications for him or his site (as I’m sure it didn’t) why did he regard it as ‘offensive’ and close the thread? Did closing my thread “promote better debate”? On the contrary, it was intended to stop any debate.

The best debates are those where mature adults defend the right of the individual to make their point freely, even if some find it uncomfortable and offensive. Oh yes, and a few million have died to defend that right.

Some pathetic souls use Mega as an excuse for censorship. The same pathetic souls who rose to Mega’s bait on every occasion. Well I would rather have a dozen Megas than “Big Brothers” who decide which post to accept and which to reject or follow their members to other boards to make sure their posts are loyal. At least with Mega I could CHOOSE not to read or reply to his post.

BTW, Mega is happily posting on Steve Childs’ credibility has increased enormously in my estimation.


>The majority vote would seem to go with sites with a fair ammout of control!<

How on earth do you work that out? If I post on Child’s or Flint’s sites does that make me in favour of control? I think you will find that it either the insecure or the bullies who favour control and thankfully they are not in a majority.


Michael Williams

This thread was discussed between 26/10/2002 and 02/12/2002

MG ZR ZS ZT Technical index

This thread is from the archive. The Live MG ZR ZS ZT Technical BBS is active now.