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MG MGA - White Sludge

I have just noticed a deposit of soft white sludge in the oil filler cap neck and on the underside of the cap. rockers look very clean from what I can see from peering down the filler neck.

The engine is running absolutely fine (1800 5-bearing. No water loss, oil change about 2500 miles ago. Oil pressure 65 cold, 60 hot. Currently doing a number of very short runs (4 a day) of about 3.5 miles each, starting from cold each time (Zero degrees outside).

Any thing to worry about or is it just the very cold moist air and the engine barely getting up to temperature?

Steve Gyles

White sludge is water. If the car isn't fully warmed up the water just builds up inside the motor. The car needs to be driven farther to dry it out inside. Probably just all the cold starts and short runs. Really is bad for the car. Probably not a head gasket starting to go with the description you gave. Remember the #1 component of combustion is water.
R J Brown

That's it Steve, nothing to worry about. It should disappear in the warmer weather and when you run the car more. Just to minimise the problem clean out all the breather tubes on the engine to ensure that the air circulation is as good as it can be and be sure that there are no kinks in any of the tubes
Iain MacKintosh

Thanks all. I guess the car has the equivalent of a stuffy nose! Seems a good excuse for a burn up to blow all the cobwebs away.

Ian, I run the car almost as much in the winter as the summer, the cold doesn't bother me - keeps the circulation going.

Steve Gyles

Hi Steve

Its oil condensing in the cap due to the colder air temps, this use to be a common problem. Mini's and Austin 1100's use to clog the breathers along with most other marques, from memory Hillman Avengers were the worst. Try a hotter thermostat, 82 degree's C this might help. Do what most other do, keep your car in during the winter months. Mad dogs and Englishmen ??



P.S. I gave my coupe a short blast on Christmas morning, it went like a bird (more like a stuffed turkey)
Terry Drinkwater

Hi Terry

Thanks for the tips. However, I can't keep the car inside. As soon as it rains or gets too cold, her indoors vacates her bicycle and commandeers the Beemer to go to work! Everyone at my work thinks it quite amusing that I use the Beemer in winter when the weather is fine and the open top as soon as il fait mauvais temps.

Steve Gyles


Are you using the mechanical fan? Removal might help is the stat is opening. Also you could put foil over the grill, or part of it, to reduce airflow.
David Witham


Many thanks. All food for thought. I have a standard mechanical fan. Seems strange to be blocking up the airflow when most of our cousins across the pond in California struggle to get enough cold air!

I guess Dominic is wanting a radiator blind (see other thread) for much the same reason over there in Switzerland.

Steve Gyles

Yes, I have difficulty identifying with people who want to keep heat out of the passenger compartment. It was bitter on Tuesday night driving my B back from the natter.
David Witham

Hi Steve, I agree - 3.5 miles isn't far enough to warm the engine and the condensation from water vapour in the fuel etc isn't getting a chance to boil away - used to happen on my Montego and my son's Polo had the same problem last week doing the same sort of mileage - My MGA hasn't suffered from it because I haven't used it much in the cold weather - last time on Boxing Day when I did 20 miles getting the engine nice and hot - how about taking the long scenic route to work to heat the engine up! Cheers Cam
C Cunningham


I would love to take a scenic route each day, but what with the price of fuel! Took it for a 10 mile run at lunch time, sat at about 80 for a few minutes. I then had a look inside the filler cap - only a hint of sludge and a few drops of clear water condensation.

Steve Gyles


Off topic. Not seen you on this BBS before. Where in Lancashire are you? I am in Kirkham, near Lytham St Annes.

Steve Gyles

Hi Steve, I'm in Ormskirk - also secretary of West Lancs MG owners - see our website - There is a link to this site on it - but I have only just discovered the BBS section - even though I put the link there myself !!Cheers Cam
C Cunningham


Just been looking at your website. I must make a run down to one of your gatherings - I guess it's about 25 miles. That should burn the sludge off.

However, what I would like to know is how your MG club could give the prize for "The car I would most like to take home" to a Triumph? Sacrilege!

Good to see you got Pride of Ownership.


Steve Gyles

Hi Steve, It is a nice Triumph though ( and he does own 2 MGs as well)- must change the rules next year to make it "the MG I would most like to take home" - love to see you at one of meetings if you fancy burning off the sludge - Cheers Cam
C Cunningham

This thread was discussed between 04/01/2006 and 07/01/2006

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This thread is from the archive. The Live MG MGA BBS is active now.